Places everyone should have bookmarked
Slashdot, LifeHacker, & Gizmodo:
News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters. Plus the latest in tech gadgetry and other random things of interest.
xkcd & SMBC:
Comics for the Slashdot crowd.
The ruler of all that is internet. And a great search engine too.
The best 'encyclopeida' of general knowledge out there. Read with an intelligent eye though, as some of the "facts" have been vastly 'decomcratized'.
Wolfram's Science World:
Basically a 'wikipedia' for all things mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and scientific history. They are also the makers of the Mathematica program, which I highly recommend.
ESPN & DeadSpin:
Everything you need to know about what is going on in the world of sports. If you already enjoy sports, I recommend you read Bill Simmon's weekly article in the Page 2 section.
A wiki type site which posts daily deals its users have found around the internet. These sites have saved me a lot of $$$.
A great finacial blog with lots of helpful information.